Catharine Margaretha Faber Voige (1836-1873)[1]“Catharine Faber Voige,” Memorial ID 197063278, Find A Grave, accessed September 25, 2021 was a mother of eight who lived in Bremen, Germany; Cincinnati, Ohio; and Newport, Kentucky in the 19th Century.


Catharina Margaretha Faber was born on May 5, 1836 in Hastedt, Bremen, Germany (then ruled by Prussia). She was the daughter of Hermann Faber and Ilse Margaretha Kuhlmann.[2]Catharina Margaretha Faber birth record, May 5, 1836, Hastedt (Bremen, Bremen) Standesamt, “Zivilstandsregister, 1811-1911,” “Geburten 1814-1868,” page 609, record 21 for … Continue reading

In 1853, at only 17 years of age, Catharine Faber boarded the ship Albert in Bremen. On October 3, 1853, the Albert landed at Baltimore, Maryland.[3]Catharine Faber, passenger number 191, Ship Albert arrived October 3, 1853, Number 76, “Maryland, Baltimore Passenger Lists, 1820-1948,” FamilySearch, accessed September 27, 2021 How she went from Baltimore to Ohio is unclear, but she made her way to Cincinnati sometime in the next 10 months. On July 22, 1854, Catharine Faber was married to George Voige in Hamilton County, Ohio.[4]George Voige and Catharine Faber marriage record, July 22, 1854 in Hamilton County, Ohio, in “Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2016,” FamilySearch, accessed September 27, 2021

Catharine’s father, Hermann Faber, died in Hastedt on April 1, 1856.[5]Hermann Faber death record, April 1, 1856, Hastedt (Bremen, Bremen) Standesamt, “Zivilstandsregister, 1811-1911,” “Tote 1814-1868,” page 469, record 18 for 1856, FamilySearch, … Continue reading The rest of the family did not remain in Bremen for long. On October 2, 1856, the bark Blücher landed in Baltimore, Maryland after sailing from Bremen. On board were Margarethe Faber and her children Anna and Heinrich.[6]Margarethe Faber, passenger number 15, Bark Blücher arrived October 2, 1856, Number 16, “Maryland, Baltimore Passenger Lists, 1820-1948,” FamilySearch, accessed September 27, 2021

George and Catherine continued to live in Cincinnati after their marriage. The Cincinnati city directories list the Voiges at several locations. In 1861[7]Williams’ Cincinnati Directory for 1861 (Cincinnati: C. S. Williams, 1861), 344, Cincinnati Public Library, accessed October 31, 2021, they were at 57 Hamilton Road. In 1863[8]Williams’ Cincinnati Directory for June, 1863 (Cincinnati: Williams & Company, 1863), 341, Cincinnati Public Library, accessed October 31, 2021, they were at 531 Sycamore. In 1865[9]Williams’ Cincinnati Directory for June, 1865 (Cincinnati: Williams & Company, 1865), 379, Cincinnati Public Library, accessed October 31, 2021, they were at 593 Sycamore. In 1867[10]Williams’ Cincinnati Directory for June, 1867 (Cincinnati: Williams & Co, 1867), 472, Cincinnati Public Library, accessed October 31, 2021, 1868[11]Williams’ Cincinnati Directory for June, 1868 (Cincinnati: Williams & Co., 1868), 518, Cincinnati Public Library, accessed October 31, 2021, and 1869[12]Williams’ Cincinnati Directory for June, 1869 (Cincinnati: Williams & Co., 1869), 569, Cincinnati Public Library, accessed October 31, 2021, they were at 214 Laurel. In 1870[13]Williams’ Cincinnati Directory for June, 1870 (Cincinnati: Williams & Co., 1870), 618, Cincinnati Public Library, accessed October 31, 2021, they were listed as living across the Ohio River in Newport, Campbell County, Kentucky. Directories often lag behind reality, and the Voiges actually made their land purchase in Newport on August 17, 1868.[14]Albert S. Berry to George A. A. Voige deed dated August 17, 1868 in Campbell County Deed Book v. 7, page 2 in Campbell County (Kentucky) Clerk of the County Court, “Deeds (Campbell County, … Continue reading

Catharine Faber Voige died on January 5, 1873 due to complications from childbirth. She is buried in Evergreen Cemetery in Southgate, Campbell County, Kentucky.[15]Catharine Voige burial record, January 8, 1873, in Evergreen Cemetery (Southgate, Kentucky, Cemetery Records, 1860-1940, “Statistics, vols. 2-4 1864-1873,” image 1759, FamilySearch, … Continue reading[16]“Catharine Faber Voige,” Memorial ID 197063278, Find A Grave, accessed September 25, 2021



The Voiges were affiliated with the Methodist church during their time in Cincinnati and Kentucky. George and Catharine were married by William Engel,[17]George Voige and Catharine Faber marriage record, July 22, 1854 in Hamilton County, Ohio, in “Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2016,” FamilySearch, accessed September 27, 2021 who was a Methodist preacher in Cincinnati. In one of his biographies, George Voige was listed as a member of the Salem Methodist Church of Newport, “in which for many years he had been deeply interested and served as president of the board of trustees.”[18]“George A. A. Voige,” in Charles Theodore Greve, Centennial History of Cincinnati, Vol. II (Chicago, Illinois: Biographical Publishing Company, 1904), 758


George and Catharine (Faber) Voige had eight children.[19]“Georg A. A. Voige,” in Armin Tenner, Cincinnati Sonst und Jetzt (Cincinnati, Ohio: Druck von Mecklenborg & Rosenthal, 1878), 280

  1. William Hermann Voige (1855-1914)[20]“William H Voige,” Memorial ID 107771088, Find A Grave, accessed October 26, 2021 married Emma Goessler in 1878.[21]William H. Voige and Emma Goessler marriage record, December 11, 1878, Campbell County, Kentucky, in “Kentucky, County Marriages, 1797-1954,” FamilySearch, accessed October 29, 2021 They lived in Campbell County, Kentucky, where William was a bookkeeper for a furniture store.[22]Wm. H. Voige in District of the Highlands, Campbell, County, Kentucky, in “United States Census, 1900,” FamilySearch, accessed October 29, 2021
  2. Elizabeth M. Voige (1859-1903)[23]“Elizabeth ‘Lizzie’ Voige Wendt,” Memorial ID 107227145, Find A Grave, accessed October 26, 2021 married Edward C. Wendt in 1882.[24]Edward C. Wendt and Lizzie Voige marriage record, December 13, 1882, Campbell County, Kentucky, in “Kentucky, County Marriages, 1797-1954,” FamilySearch, accessed October 29, 2021 They lived in Newport, Campbell County, Kentucky, where Edward was a hardware dealer.[25]Elizabeth Wente in Ward 3 Newport, Campbell County, Kentucky in “United States Census, 1900,” FamilySearch, accessed October 29, 2021
  3. Amelia C. Voige (1864-1928)[26]“Amelia C Voige Poock,” Memorial ID 88322439, Find A Grave, accessed October 26, 2021 married Louis D. Poock in 1890.[27]Louis D. Poock and Amelia C. Voige marriage record, October 15, 1890, Campbell County, Kentucky, in “Kentucky, County Marriages, 1797-1954,” FamilySearch, accessed October 29, 2021 They moved to Montgomery County, Ohio, where Louis was a shoe salesman.[28]Amelia C Poock, Germantown, Montgomery County, Ohio in “United States Census, 1900,” FamilySearch, accessed October 29, 2021
  4. Bertha Voige (1868-1870)[29]“Bertha Voige,” Memorial ID 197063321, Find A Grave, accessed October 26, 2021 died when she was eight months old
  5. George A. A. Voige (1870-1923)[30]“George A Voige,” Memorial ID 109029336, Find A Grave, accessed October 26, 2021 married Amelia C Schleutker in 1898.[31]George A. Voige Jr. and Amelia C. Schleutker marriage record, April 26, 1898, Newport, Campbell County, Kentucky, in “Kentucky, County Marriages, 1797-1954,” FamilySearch, accessed … Continue reading They lived in Newport, Campbell County, Kentucky, where George was a tobacco dealer.[32]George Voige in Ward 3 Newport, Campbell County, Kentucky in “United States Census, 1900,” FamilySearch, accessed October 29, 2021
  6. Louis Jacob Voige (1872-1878)[33]“Louis Jacob Voige,” Memorial ID 208848071, Find A Grave, accessed October 26, 2021 died when he was five years old.

Census records

Research notes

  • 2021-10-27: I have been unable to find the Voige family in the 1860 U.S. Census.
Catharine Faber Voige


1, 16 “Catharine Faber Voige,” Memorial ID 197063278, Find A Grave, accessed September 25, 2021
2 Catharina Margaretha Faber birth record, May 5, 1836, Hastedt (Bremen, Bremen) Standesamt, “Zivilstandsregister, 1811-1911,” “Geburten 1814-1868,” page 609, record 21 for 1836, FamilySearch, accessed September 27, 2021
3 Catharine Faber, passenger number 191, Ship Albert arrived October 3, 1853, Number 76, “Maryland, Baltimore Passenger Lists, 1820-1948,” FamilySearch, accessed September 27, 2021
4, 17 George Voige and Catharine Faber marriage record, July 22, 1854 in Hamilton County, Ohio, in “Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2016,” FamilySearch, accessed September 27, 2021
5 Hermann Faber death record, April 1, 1856, Hastedt (Bremen, Bremen) Standesamt, “Zivilstandsregister, 1811-1911,” “Tote 1814-1868,” page 469, record 18 for 1856, FamilySearch, accessed September 27, 2021
6 Margarethe Faber, passenger number 15, Bark Blücher arrived October 2, 1856, Number 16, “Maryland, Baltimore Passenger Lists, 1820-1948,” FamilySearch, accessed September 27, 2021
7 Williams’ Cincinnati Directory for 1861 (Cincinnati: C. S. Williams, 1861), 344, Cincinnati Public Library, accessed October 31, 2021
8 Williams’ Cincinnati Directory for June, 1863 (Cincinnati: Williams & Company, 1863), 341, Cincinnati Public Library, accessed October 31, 2021
9 Williams’ Cincinnati Directory for June, 1865 (Cincinnati: Williams & Company, 1865), 379, Cincinnati Public Library, accessed October 31, 2021
10 Williams’ Cincinnati Directory for June, 1867 (Cincinnati: Williams & Co, 1867), 472, Cincinnati Public Library, accessed October 31, 2021
11 Williams’ Cincinnati Directory for June, 1868 (Cincinnati: Williams & Co., 1868), 518, Cincinnati Public Library, accessed October 31, 2021
12 Williams’ Cincinnati Directory for June, 1869 (Cincinnati: Williams & Co., 1869), 569, Cincinnati Public Library, accessed October 31, 2021
13 Williams’ Cincinnati Directory for June, 1870 (Cincinnati: Williams & Co., 1870), 618, Cincinnati Public Library, accessed October 31, 2021
14 Albert S. Berry to George A. A. Voige deed dated August 17, 1868 in Campbell County Deed Book v. 7, page 2 in Campbell County (Kentucky) Clerk of the County Court, “Deeds (Campbell County, Kentucky); indexes, 1795-1972, 1795-1912,” FamilySearch, accessed October 30, 2021
15 Catharine Voige burial record, January 8, 1873, in Evergreen Cemetery (Southgate, Kentucky, Cemetery Records, 1860-1940, “Statistics, vols. 2-4 1864-1873,” image 1759, FamilySearch, accessed October 31, 2021
18 “George A. A. Voige,” in Charles Theodore Greve, Centennial History of Cincinnati, Vol. II (Chicago, Illinois: Biographical Publishing Company, 1904), 758
19 “Georg A. A. Voige,” in Armin Tenner, Cincinnati Sonst und Jetzt (Cincinnati, Ohio: Druck von Mecklenborg & Rosenthal, 1878), 280
20 “William H Voige,” Memorial ID 107771088, Find A Grave, accessed October 26, 2021
21 William H. Voige and Emma Goessler marriage record, December 11, 1878, Campbell County, Kentucky, in “Kentucky, County Marriages, 1797-1954,” FamilySearch, accessed October 29, 2021
22 Wm. H. Voige in District of the Highlands, Campbell, County, Kentucky, in “United States Census, 1900,” FamilySearch, accessed October 29, 2021
23 “Elizabeth ‘Lizzie’ Voige Wendt,” Memorial ID 107227145, Find A Grave, accessed October 26, 2021
24 Edward C. Wendt and Lizzie Voige marriage record, December 13, 1882, Campbell County, Kentucky, in “Kentucky, County Marriages, 1797-1954,” FamilySearch, accessed October 29, 2021
25 Elizabeth Wente in Ward 3 Newport, Campbell County, Kentucky in “United States Census, 1900,” FamilySearch, accessed October 29, 2021
26 “Amelia C Voige Poock,” Memorial ID 88322439, Find A Grave, accessed October 26, 2021
27 Louis D. Poock and Amelia C. Voige marriage record, October 15, 1890, Campbell County, Kentucky, in “Kentucky, County Marriages, 1797-1954,” FamilySearch, accessed October 29, 2021
28 Amelia C Poock, Germantown, Montgomery County, Ohio in “United States Census, 1900,” FamilySearch, accessed October 29, 2021
29 “Bertha Voige,” Memorial ID 197063321, Find A Grave, accessed October 26, 2021
30 “George A Voige,” Memorial ID 109029336, Find A Grave, accessed October 26, 2021
31 George A. Voige Jr. and Amelia C. Schleutker marriage record, April 26, 1898, Newport, Campbell County, Kentucky, in “Kentucky, County Marriages, 1797-1954,” FamilySearch, accessed October 29, 2021
32 George Voige in Ward 3 Newport, Campbell County, Kentucky in “United States Census, 1900,” FamilySearch, accessed October 29, 2021
33 “Louis Jacob Voige,” Memorial ID 208848071, Find A Grave, accessed October 26, 2021